Sleighs & Satchels [[a poem]]

You see now, I went to the website seeing how I was tagged in Instagram for a little writing challenge and I’m telling you this here and now: I do not like that website…I love it!

I’m obsessed. So this probably means I’m going to do more of these just because it is just that awesome in my opinion. That website as a source of inspiration is off the charts in my opinion.

Then again, fall inspires me in general; for some reason it’s my favorite season. I’ve only ever experienced a white Christmas once before, which I’m just itching to again, but fall is still my all-time favorite season, up north or down south. It just feels right, like Easter being my favorite holiday, though an explanation for my reasoning on that escapes me as well.

This was the first phrase I got on, but I hit the refresh button about 10 times, because I just couldn’t resist, and now that I’m totally obsessed, I had to bookmark that page. It’s just too great! Haha

In fact, it’s serving another purpose too for me right now, which I’m keeping under wraps until the project comes together, though y’all will definitely be the first to know when it’s finished.

And now, since I’m starting to gush over a website (oops, sorry) I’ll quit and go back to hitting that refresh button….


And Because of This [[A Poem]]

Because her whole lifetime was filled with more downs than ups.
Because he understood and that’s way more than what she could say of others.
Because everyone made mistakes, and she should know;
Why should be be judged by something that could easily have happened to anyone
(And no, she wasn’t making excuses for him)?
Because life isn’t fair to most and they both knew that.
Because it was that she gave him an inch where he gave a mile.
And when that inch turned to something closer to a few feet,
She knew she was in so damn deep that there was no turning back
Because she was ready ready to give it up.


Unexplained [[A Poem to Answer To]]

Usually, everything I write has meaning and I know what it is even if someone else thinks its something different, even if I write something completely fictional (which is more often than not) obviously it came from somewhere inside of me and so obviously I know what it’s intended to mean.

But this time is different.
This time I have no idea what this means, or where in the deep crevices of my mind it came from. I see nothing that inspired it, nothing that it literally or metaphorically represents.

So tell me: what does this remind YOU of?
What can you see, what does it make you think? Who, and why are they involved; how?

I honestly would love to hear from everybody who reads.

Maybe one will answer those questions for me; maybe a combination of many. We’ll have to wait and see…


You Buy What You Break: Words to the Wise [[A Thought]]

I actually thought of this yesterday, but silly me, I accidentally forgot about it. Anyways, you should never treat people like friendships don’t matter all of a sudden.

And never, whatever you do, expect an apology to gain anything back because you just might have trashed it all.

I swear this is the last time I’ll say it: if you want out, politely say so. That is better than a disappearing act, only to be discovered that you’re alive, well, and quite able bodied several months later.


What Were They Like [[a poetic collaboration]]

Oh! the fun I had doing this with Tim ( @lyric_form ) on Instagram this past week. (By the way, y’all should really check him out; it’s some of the best poetry I’ve read anywhere!
It was fun and imaginative, and that’s not to mention the very nice guy, Tim on the other end of this project writing and typing this while thing out while I was taking care of some errands in the while, practically idle after I finished my half, What Was He Like?.

Tim, you’re this great, kind, and wonderful person! Thank you again and again, a million times over for accepting my invitation to write, and for the fun opportunity and all your efforts into this; we’ll have to do it again soon sometime!


The Beauty of This Buzz [[a poem, edited]]

The poem reads:

There’s this buzzing in my body
I can’t get enough;

It’s a feeling that I like
In fact, I’m in love.

It goes from my nose
And buzzes to my toes.

Somehow making me feel
Like I could fly.

This feeling isn’t new
No; I’ve felt it before;

Oh! how long it’s been
Since this feeling that I love!

It makes me oh so happy.
Yet I know I’ll hate it in the end;

Mostly ’cause I just can’t have it
And that’s the way it is.

This isn’t something childish,
Yet it’s not obscene;

All it is,
All it will be,
Is as innocent as a bee.

So can’t you see,
Your eyes are all I see,
Your hands are all I want to touch,
Your words are all I want to hear?

And yet it is all so much more
Than just you and me…
